165 berühmte und hilfreiche Zitate zu Design, Webdesign, Typografie und …

„Good design is good business“ – Dieses und über 160 weitere Zitate zum Inspirieren und Angeben von berühmten Personen wie Dieter Rams, Steve Jobs oder Jakob Nielsen.

Don´t make me think.“
– Das würde uns vermutlich allen gut tun, einfach mal weniger nachdenken müssen…

Was uns aber so schwer fällt, weil der Kopf ständig rattert, ist für Websitebesucher eher ungünstig. Diese sollen nicht groß nachdenken müssen, sondern intuitiv die Website bedienen können. Genau darauf spielt dieses Zitat von Usability-Guru Steve Krug an. Er wusste schon, dass gerade das einfache hilfreich ist.

Und du siehst: Mit Zitaten lassen sich oft Sachen veranschaulichen und auf den Punkt bringen. Mit einem Zitat kann man ein Gespräch oder ein Artikel auflockern, den Inhalt bestätigen und Diskussionen beginnen, bzw. anregen.

Gerade in den sozialen Netzwerken wie Pinterest oder Instagram erfreuen sich schlaue Sprüche, Weisheiten, Zitate in letzter Zeit großer Beliebhteit – oft eingebunden in hübsche Bilder oder Grafiken. Zitate bringen Dinge auf den Punkt, sind einprägsam, inspirieren, emotionalisieren und machen nachdenklich…

Daher habe ich dir im folgenden eine Sammlung an Zitaten, Sprüchen und Aussagen von Grafik-Designern, Kreativen, Strategen und anderen bekannten Personen der Design, Werbe- und Onlinebranche zusammengestellt. Sie sollen als Inspirationsquelle dienen ohne den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Sortiert nach den Bereichen Designzitate, Webdesignzitate, Kreatitivätszitate.

Grafik Design Zitate

Die ersten Zitate sind allgemeingültige Aussagen, die fast immer für alle Designarten wie Grafikdesign, Kommunikationsdesign, UI Design usw. gelten können. Sie nehmen auch den größten Teil dieser Zitatesammlung ein. Also lassen wir die „Zitate-Spiele“ beginnen:

„Design is intelligence made visible.“

Alina Wheeler

„Everything is designed. Few things are designed well.“

Brian Reed

„Design is a formal response to a strategic question.“

Mariona Lopez
Design Zitat

„Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries.”

Neville Brody

„I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things.“

Lindo Leader

„The function of design is letting design function.“

Micha Commeren

„Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.“

Steve Jobs

„Design is not a single object or dimension. Design is messy and complex.“

Natasha Jen
Design Zitat

„Graphic design will save the world right after rock and roll does.”

David Carson

„Whitespace is like air: it is necessary for design to breathe.”

Wojciech Zieliński

„People ignore designs that ignore people.”

Frank Chimero
Design Zitat

„Good design is honest.”

Dieter Rams

„Das Design sollte das Produkt sozusagen zum Sprechen bringen.“

Dieter Rams

„Gutes Design ist für die Ewigkeit.“
Alberto Alessi

Dieter Rams

„Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful.”

Dieter Rams

„To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize, to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse. To design is to transform prose into poetry.”

Paul Rand

Gestaltung ist Haltung.

Helmut Schmid

„Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.”

Charles Eames

„The goal of a designer is to listen, observe, understand, sympathize, empathize, synthesize, and glean insights that enable him or her to ‘make the invisible visible.“

Hillman Curtis

„If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.”

Ralf Speth

„The details are not the details. They make the design.”

Charles Eames

„Great design is a multi-layered relationship between human life and its environment.”

Naoto Fukasawa
Design Zitat

„Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.”

Joe Sparano

„Wenn du das Problem richtig beschreiben kannst, hast du auch bereits die Lösung beschrieben.“

Chip Kidd

„Graphic design is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, abnormality, hobbies and humors. “

George Santayana

„A computer without Photoshop is like a dog with no legs. Sure is fun, but you can’t really do anything with it.”

Benjamin Cavanagh

„Design is like a mom, nobody notices when she’s around, but everybody misses her when she’s not.”

Santiago Borray

„Good design is all about making other designers feel like idiots because the idea wasn’t theirs“

Frank Chimero

„The client may be the king, but he’s not the art director“

R. Glitschka

„The goal of design is to raise the expectation of what design can be.”

Paula Scher
Design Zitat

„For me, there are no rules when it comes to what’s considered good design.”

Kate Moross

„Ein Design ruft drei Reaktionen hervor ja, nein und WOW! Wow ist das Ziel.“

Milton Glase

„Form folgt Funktion das ist oft missverstanden worden. Form und Funktion sollten Eins sein, verbunden in einer spirituellen Einheit.  “

Frank Lloyd Wright

„Inhalte werden schnell vergessen. Doch der emotionelle Eindruck guten Designs bleibt stabil.“

Wolfgang Beinert

„Designer und Menschen fühlen sich im Allgemeinen zu sehr von ‚Neuem‘ angezogen, aber nichts altert schneller als ‚Neuheit‘. Alle meine Objekte spiegeln eine Ehe zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart wider“

Marcel Wanders

„Nageln Sie zuerst die Grundlagen, später die Details.“

Chris Anderson

„Good design is good business.” 

 Thomas Watson Jr.

„Design is more than just a few tricks to the eye. It’s a few tricks to the brain.”

 Neville Brody

„Bad design shouts at you. Good design is the silent seller.”

 Shane Meendering

„Designers actually can change the world for the better by making the complicated simple and finding beauty in truth.”

 Michael Beirut
Design Zitat

„Make it simple, but significant. “

Don Draper

„Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.” 

 Massimo Vignelli

„There is only one type of designer the type that cares about type.”

 Rohan Nanavati

„Design is as much an act of spacing as an act of marking.”

Ellen Lupton

„Good design is like a refrigerator—when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.”

Irene Au

„The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.”

Paul Rand

„The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. It is, in effect, conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with. The new becomes threatening, the old reassuring.”

Paul Rand

„Du kannst Kunst erleben, indem du dir einen Rembrandt ansieht… oder ein Grafikdesign.“

Stefan Sagmeister

„The alternative to good design is always bad design. There is no such thing as no design.”

 Adam Judge

„A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

„Mit einem Computer kann man nicht besser entwerfen, aber man kann seine Arbeit enorm beschleunigen.“

Wim Crouwel

„You have power as a designer to change the relationship someone has with an object. Your challenge is to keep people looking. Build-in those little details. To some people, they might mean a lot.”

David Pearson
Design Zitat

„Design can be art. Design can be simple. That’s why it’s so complicated.”

Paul Rand

„The soul never thinks without an image.”


 „The life of a designer is a life of fight. Fight against the ugliness. Just like a doctor fights against disease. For us, the visual disease is what we have around, and what we try to do is cure it somehow with design.” 

Massimo Vignelli

Webdesign / Webdevelopment Zitate

Das Webdesign hat natürlich aufgrund seiner Interaktivität und technischen Gegebenheiten besondere Anforderungen für das Design. Daher gibt es auch einige Webdesign-Zitate, die unter anderen genau diese Besonderheiten aufnehmen:

„Websites promote you 24/7: No employee will do that.”

Paul Cookson

„Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.”

Paul Cookson
165 berühmte und hilfreiche Zitate zu Design, Webdesign, Typografie und … 1

„Things aren’t always #000000 and #FFFFFF”


„Websites should look good from the inside and out.”

Paul Cookson

„We don’t just build websites, we build websites that SELLS”

Dr. Christopher Dayagdag

„Website without visitors is like a ship lost in the horizon.”

Dr. Christopher Dayagdag

„To become successful online, you only need to remember the following : Good Heart + Passion + Web Design + SEO + Digital Marketing + Dedication + Positiveness + Patience = Success”

Dr. Christopher Dayagdag

„A successful website does three things: It attracts the right kinds of visitors. Guides them to the main services or product you offer. Collect Contact details for future ongoing relation.

Mohamed Saad

„A successful website does three things: It attracts the right kinds of visitors. Guides them to the main services or products you offer. Collect Contact details for future ongoing relation.”

Mohamed Saad

„Web design is not just about creating pretty layouts. It’s about understanding the marketing challenge behind your business.”

Mohamed Saad

„Responsive Web Design always plays important role whenever going to promote your website.”

Josh Wilson

„Your website is the center of your digital ecosystem, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception they have of you before they walk through the door.”

Leland Dieno
165 berühmte und hilfreiche Zitate zu Design, Webdesign, Typografie und … 2

„If You Think Math is Hard Try Web Design.”


„Learning to code is useful no matter what your career ambitions are.”

Arianna Huffington

„Whether we’re fighting climate change or going to space, everything is moved forward by computers, and we don’t have enough people who can code. Teaching young people to code early on can help build skills and confidence and energize the classroom with learning-by-doing opportunities.”

Richard Branson

„Reusability is key in reducing bugs and coding quickly. The more I use a piece of code, the more confident and familiar I become with it, which in turn significantly speeds up my development time.”

Robert Duchnik

„Learning HTML and CSS is a lot more challenging than it used to be. Responsive web design adds more layers of complexity to design and develop websites.”

Jacob Lett

„Code is read more than it is written.”

Daniel Roy Greenfeld

„Web development is difficult, only then it is fun to do. You just have to set your standards. If it were to be easy, would anyone do it?”

Olawale Daniel

„Your website is the face of your business. The first impression you make on your potential customers is through your official website and Allied Technologies understands that this first impression better be impressive. NameAllied Technologies”

Manish Akshay Rajput
165 berühmte und hilfreiche Zitate zu Design, Webdesign, Typografie und … 3

„It’s not a bug. It’s an undocumented feature!”     


„Software undergoes beta testing shortly before it’s released. Beta is Latin for ‘still doesn’t work.’”     


„Your website is the center of your digital eco-system, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception they have of you before they walk through the door.”    

Leland Dieno

Zitate von Steve Krug

Steve Krug ist ein amerikanischer UX-Experte, der unter anderem aufgrund seines Buches Don’t make me think! Web Usability: Das intuitive Web weltbekannt wurde. Nicht nur der Titel dieses Werkes wird oft zitiert, auch andere Aussagen von Krug sind es wert hier aufgeführt zu werden:

„The problem is there are no simple ‘right’ answers for most Web design questions (at least not for the important ones). What works is good, integrated design that fills a need carefully thought out, well-executed, and tested.”

Steve Krug

„If there’s one thing you learn by working on a lot of different Web sites, it’s that almost any design ideano matter how appallingly badcan be made usable in the right circumstances, with enough effort.”

Steve Krug

„If you want a great site, you’ve got to test. After you’ve worked on a site for even a few weeks, you can’t see it freshly anymore. You know too much. The only way to find out if it really works is to test it.”

Steve Krug

„Designers love subtle cues, because subtlety is one of the traits of sophisticated design. But Web users are generally in such a hurry that they routinely miss subtle cues. […] It doesn’t matter how many times I have to click, as long as each click is a mindless, unambiguous choice.”

Steve Krug

„It doesn’t matter how many times I have to click, as long as each click is a mindless, unambiguous choice.”

Steve Krug
Design Zitat - Steve Krug

„Don’t make me think”

Steve Krug

„Making every page or screen self-evident is like having good lighting in a store: it just makes everything seem better.”

Steve Krug

„As a user, I should never have to devote a millisecond od thought to whether things are clickable or not”

Steve Krug

„Usability is about people and how they understand and use things, nor about technology”

Steve Krug

„The fact that the people who built the site didn´t care enough to make things obvious-and easy- can erode our confidence in the site and the organization behind it.”

Steve Krug

„What works is good, integrated design that fills a need-carefully thought out, well executed, and tested.”

Steve Krug

„Designers love subtle cues, because subtlety is one of the traits of sophisticated design. But Web users are generally in such a hurry that they routinely miss subtle cues”

Steve Krug

„Your primary role should be to share what you know, nor to tell people how things should be done”

Steve Krug

„After you’ve worked on a site for even a few weeks, you can´t see it freshly anymore. You know too much. The only way to find out if it really works to test it.”

Steve Krug

Zitate von Jakob Nielsen

Jakob Nielsen ist ein dänischer Usability-Experte, der mit seinen Artikeln zu Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf Websites bekannt und berühmt wurde. Als Autor mehrere Bücher bleibt es nicht aus, dass auch von ihm viele Zitate regelmäßig erwähnt werden:

„Three Tips: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.“

Jakob Nielsen

„A bad website is like a grumpy salesperson.“

Jakob Nielsen
Design Zitat

„Designers are not users.“

Jakob Nielsen

„Clear content, simple navigation and answers to customer questions have the biggest impact on business value. Advanced technology matters much less.“

Jakob Nielsen

„Ultimately, users visit your website for its content. Everything else is just the backdrop.“

Jakob Nielsen

„A general principle for all user interface design is to go through all of your design elements and remove them one at a time.“

Jakob Nielsen

Typografie Zitate

Ohne Typografie wäre ja fast alles nichts (im Design). Textinformationen bedingen eine gute Typografie, das zeigen auch die folgenden Zitate und Sprüche:

„Web Design is 95% Typography“

Oliver Reichenstein

„You are what you are seen to be.“

Erik Spiekermann

„Inspiration. From real life. I open my eyes and I travel and I look. And I read everything.“

Erik Spiekermann
165 berühmte und hilfreiche Zitate zu Design, Webdesign, Typografie und … 4

„Typomania is curable but not fatal. Unfortunately.”

Erik Spiekermann

„I’m very much a word person, so that’s why typography for me is the obvious extension. It just makes my words visible.”

Erik Spiekermann

„Designers like even grayness, which is the worst thing for a reader.”

Erik Spiekermann

„A good typographer is always a good reader.“

Stephen Coles

„We cannot alter the essential shape of a single letter without at the same time destroying the familiar printed face of our language, and thereby rendering it useless.“ 

Jan Tschichold

„You can do a good ad without good typography, but you can’t do a great ad without good typography.

Herb Lubalin

„By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately, and well. That is one of the ends for which they exist.“

Robert Bringhurst

„A life rich in reading is the only path to thinking and creating.”

Mandy Brown

„Type and typography—what you do and how you do it—are both science and art.“

James Felici

Branding Zitate

Die Markenbildung ist eine herausfordernde Tätigkeit für Designer, die sowohl Kreativität wie ein hohes Fachwissen verlangt. Die folgenden Branding-Zitate belegen dies:

„Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.”

Paul Rand

„Mass advertising can help build brands, but authenticity is what makes them last. If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.”

Howard Schultz

„Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time. Sometimes it will be ahead, other times it will be behind. But brand is simply a collective impression some have about a product.”

Elon Musk

„A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”

Seth Godin

„Every advertisement should be thought of as a contribution to the complex symbol which is the brand image.”

David Ogilvy

„Too many companies want their brands to reflect some idealised, perfected image of themselves. As a consequence, their brands acquire no texture, no character and no public trust.”

Richard Branson

„A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.”

Jeff Bezos
165 berühmte und hilfreiche Zitate zu Design, Webdesign, Typografie und … 5

„Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

Jeff Bezos

„Branding adds spirit and a soul to what would otherwise be a robotic, automated, generic price-value proposition. If branding is ultimately about the creation of human meaning, it follows logically that it is the humans who must ultimately provide it.”

David Aaker

„Brand is the holistic sum of customers’ experiences, composed of visual, tonal and behavioral brand components, many of which are shaped by interaction design.”

Kate Kaplan

„When it comes to building brand awareness for my company, the method that’s worked best has been content marketing. Although it involves a lot of work, and it takes six months to a year for it to be effective, it’s been proven to provide the biggest bang for the buck.”

Neil Patel

„Brand: Is not logo, not what it looks like when I look at your product. A Brand is a shortcut, it’s a shortcut for all the expectations I have for what you’re about to do for me. It’s a shortcut for trust, for promises, for conversations. A brand that’s worth something, is worth something either because you can sell more of it, or make more of a profit for each one you sell. That’s it. If you can’t sell more, or can’t get a premium, you don’t have a brand. Cause people aren’t showing up investing their emotion in what it is you sell.”

Seth Godin

„Brand identity fuels recognition, amplifies differentiation and makes big ideas and meaning accessible. Brands are messengers of trust. Customers are reassured by brands that are recognizable and familiar. Great brand strategy is a basic building block of good business strategy. We build industry-leading brands with coherent and authentic messages. We utilize cohesive branding tools, connecting with your customers in a clear and impactful way.”

Alina Wheeler

„Your brand is a gateway to your true work. You know you are here to do something – to create something or help others in some way. The question is, how can you set up your life and work so that you can do it? The answer lies in your brand. When you create a compelling brand you attract people who want the promise of your brand – which you deliver.”

Dave Buck

„If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you.”

David Brier

„It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Warren Buffett

„Identities are the beginning of everything. They are how something is recognized and understood. What could be better than that?”

Paula Scher

„Overall, because branding is about creating and sustaining trust it means delivering on promises. The best and most successful brands are completely coherent. Every aspect of what they do and what they are reinforces everything else.”

Wally Olins

„You too are a brand. Whether you know it or not. Whether you like it or not.”

Marc Ecko

„Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms.”

Simon Mainwaring

Content Zitate

Wenn politische Parteien Inhalte liefern wollen, ist es meistens schon zu spät. Das Webdesign Journal ist ja von Anbeginn für hochwertige Inhalte bekannt 😉 Also müssen wir auch Content-Zitate liefern:

„Content isn’t King, it’s the Kingdom.”

Lee Odden

„A content strategy flips the tables on traditional, linear marketing by defining the process and then securing the right resources for producing a consistent stream of content mapped to buyer needs across all phases of the buying cycle.”

David Beebe

„In my experience, the content strategist is a rare breed who’s often willing and able to embrace whatever role is necessary to deliver on the promise of useful, usable content.”

Kristina Halvorson

„Focus on providing better answers for your audience: know that Google wants to have ‘answers’ for its audience, not just a lot of information.”

Cyrus Shepard

„Treat your content like a product.”

Drew Davis

„Here’s everything you need to know about creating killer content in 3 simple words: Clear. Concise. Compelling.”

Demian Farnworth

„Your top of the funnel content must be intellectually divorced from your product but emotionally wed to it”

Joe Chernov

„Content that understands its audience will be good content. Content that doesn’t can’t be.”

Doug Kessler

„People don’t find content by mistake, or by accident. Every content plan needs a complementary promotion plan that combines paid, owned, and earned media.”

Matthew Gratt

„It comes down to access. Giving the consumer something they can’t get anywhere else.”

Jeffrey Moran

„Create content that satisfies your uber goals and desires.”

Tom Webster

„The key ingredient to better content is separating the single from the stream.”

David Hahn

„Content that builds trust is human, personal, and relevant. It isn’t greedy, and it doesn’t trick people. If the recipient knew what the sender knows, would she still be happy? If the answer to that question is yes, then it’s likely it’s going to build trust.”

Seth Godin

„There is no content strategy without measurement strategy. Before embarking on a content initiative, irrespective of medium or platform, it’s important to know what you want to achieve.”

Rebecca Lieb

„Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.”

Avinash Kaushik

„Curation is a natural and necessary extension of content creation. That is, as great as your content may be, your audience wants to learn from other experts and differing perspectives.”

Pawan Deshpande

„Content should ask people to do something and reward them for it.”

Lee Odden

„We need to create a business strategy for our content. That means saying no to many channels and content types, and focus on where we can build an asset, an audience, over time.”

Joe Pulizzi
165 berühmte und hilfreiche Zitate zu Design, Webdesign, Typografie und … 6

„Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration.”

Jeffrey Zeldman

„The new era demands a focus on ignition, not just content, on trust, not just traffic, and on the elite people in your audience who are spreading and advocating your content.”

Mark Schaefer

„Quality, relevant content can’t be spotted by an algorithm. You can’t subscribe to it. You need people – actual human beings – to create or curate it.”

Kristina Halvorson

„The more content I put out, the more luck I have.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

„Create content that reaches your audience’s audience.”

Ann Handley

„Stop thinking about flat websites and get your content out of the domain.”

Robert Simon

„Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”

Andrew Davis

„Just as your content needs to target customers at every step of their journey with you, it also needs to appeal to their rational and emotional sides. Every customer needs to have their interest piqued, engagement provoked and confidence built.”

Mark Wilson

„In the future I see a democratization of content creation through content relationships with famous influencers (brandividuals) and niche influencers alike. There’s upside to content co-creation for both brands and contributors. The influencers get exposure to the brand community and the brand gets exposure to better quality content shared with an entirely new audience.”

Lee Odden

„Pushing out content you want to publish is very different to executing a successful content marketing program- one that connects with customers by delivering meaningful experiences that are contextually relevant.”

Ardath Albee

„People use content to express identity.”

Ze Frank

„Actually talk to your customers. Use the language that they use. Talk about the things they talk about. Never feed salad to a lion.”

Jay Acunzo

Kreativitäts Zitate

Kreativität ist die Basis unserer Designerarbeit. Und als Designer können wir Inspirationen quasi immer und überall gebrauchen. Was liegt da näher als ein paar Kreativitätszitate:

„Eine kreative Idee ist nur eine Idee, so lange daraus keine Taten folgen. Du musst handeln, sonst bist du nicht kreativ.“

Glen Hoffherr

„Creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones. “

Bruce Garrabrandt
Design Zitat - Andy Warhol

„Kreativität ist der Spaß, den man als Arbeit verkaufen kann.“

Andy Warhol

„Creativity is nothing but a mind set free.”

Torrie T. Asai, letterer

„You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have”    

Maya Angelo

Designzitate, die dich inspirieren und unterhalten

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Diesen Artikel hat die hahnsinn-Praktikantin Lisa zusammengetragen, strukturiert und ebenfalls die Grafiken erstellt. Vielen Dank dafür 🙂

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Martin Hahn ist Webdesigner, Dozent, Fachbuchautor und dreifacher Papa. Seit vielen Jahren hilft er anderen effektivere Webdesigns zu erstellen – in Schulungen und mit Artikeln auf dieser Website.
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